Remove the guess work from declines and understand the root causes for card payment declines to help your customers complete their travel payment.
AI decline analysis combines all the data that Felloh knows about the transaction and the decline reason to suggest the best next step for you and your customer. All Personal Identifiable Information (PII) is stripped out and combines analysis from hundreds of thousands of transactions to make sure you have the best outcomes for your business and your customers.
Benefit from thousands of data points to improve eventual completion rate on payments.
Learn next best action for you and your customers to take for a declined payment.
Protect your business from fraud.
The new AI feature provides a more detailed analysis surrounding the reasons for a declined payment, as well as suggestions to rectify this. This is very useful on our calls when supporting Members with instant comprehensive information. It will also be a great feature for our members who will be able to obtain a timely response and resolution, without the need to call the support team.
The Travel Network Group