Travel by B Corp research

Travel by B Corp are a collective of travel companies that are certified B Corps (a global community of businesses that meet high standards of social and environmental impact), Felloh is a member and Will (our CEO) is on the board.

Earlier this year (2023) Travel by B Corp commissioned some research by behavioural scientist Milena S. Nikolova, PhD to explore the effectiveness of supply-driven sustainability design in travel by comparing the intention-action gap between three different groups embarking on the same leisure experience.

The results are fascinating.


  • Incorporating sustainability in the design rather than relying on the right traveller choices improves the footprint of leisure experiences
  • Making sustainability the only, the default or the easiest option can lead to optimised sustainability performance without influencing market performance
  • Making it easy and appealing for travellers to be responsible closes the intention-action gap and can increase satisfaction (experiential value)

You can read the more on the research here https://www.travelbybcorp.com/research

Written by
Will Bicknell
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