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Package Travel Regulations

What happens if a travel organiser cancels a package?

Travelling holds the promise of adventure, relaxation, and wonderful experiences. However, sometimes unforeseen circumstances may lead to a travel organiser cancelling a package holiday. Understanding your rights and options in such a scenario is crucial, especially under the Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018, which govern package holidays in the UK.

Understanding Package Travel Regulations

The Package Travel Regulations offer protection to consumers who buy package holidays, ensuring that they receive a certain level of service and financial security. These regulations apply when a holiday consists of at least two different types of travel services, which could include transport, accommodation, car hire, or other tourist services, booked as part of the same trip.

When a Cancellation Occurs

If a travel organiser cancels your package holiday, you are entitled to specific remedies and protections under the regulations.

1. Full Refund

The most immediate right you have is to a full refund. The organiser is obligated to return any money you have paid for the package. This refund should be provided promptly, within 14 days of the cancellation.

2. Alternative Holiday:

Instead of a refund, the organiser might offer an alternative holiday of equivalent or higher quality, if this is available. You may also accept a lower-quality holiday with a cash refund for the difference in price. It is essential to consider whether the alternative suits your needs and preferences.

3. Compensation

In certain cases, you could also be entitled to compensation for non-performance, unless the cancellation happens due to unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances. These could include severe weather conditions, political unrest, or similar events beyond the organiser's control. Compensation amounts will vary based on the circumstances and the terms laid out in your holiday agreement.

Consumer Considerations

When a cancellation occurs, assess the alternative options put forth by the organiser carefully. Also, ensure you keep records of any communication regarding the cancellation, as these can be useful should you need to escalate the matter.

Further Recourse

If you are dissatisfied with the organiser’s response or resolution, you can escalate the issue by contacting a relevant trade body or seeking guidance from consumer protection organisations like Consumer Direct or the Citizens Advice Bureau. If the organiser is a member, you might also seek arbitration with the appropriate travel association, such as ABTA (The Association of British Travel Agents).


Though a package holiday cancellation can be disappointing and inconvenient, it is comforting to know that the Package Travel Regulations provide substantial protection for travellers. Knowing your rights enables you to respond quickly and effectively to ensure you receive an appropriate remedy, whether through a refund, an alternative arrangement, or compensation. Always read the terms and conditions of your booking carefully to understand the contingencies in place and communicate promptly with your travel organiser to address your concerns expediently.

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